Sunday, August 29, 2010
6 weeks away!
I cam off the horrorible Texas State Time Champoinship with a DNF because of a broken saddle. A event next to the Ironman in which I really cared about. But it just goes to show that anything can happen. And in a 11 hour+ Ironman, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. It's my first one and I have time goals in my mind, which I will keep to myself. And I will be just happy to finish it. But of course here comes the outside stress of life right before the event. Murphys Law I guess? My goal is to just stay health till HI, and the Kagan water is helping extremly well, thanks Bob! And I have made a bike change at the last minute as well. More to come on that if and when I get it in.
Sorry for the short to little to no info. But I am just keeping my head down and doing what I need to do, to get it done. I'll get back with you very soon. THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
8/8/2010 BridgeLand Sprint Tri
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Staying Focused
Lubbock is behind me, thank god! After nights of crying on my pillow, I finally chalked it up to just having a bad day and going out to hard from the start. Lessoned learned and applying it to my training. Ahhh, training, training and more training, it never ends. I don't know if I am physically ready for the ironman yet, but I am mentally. Training every day is not a new thing to me. From road racing moving into cross season and ending with the winter mountain bike events. These two-a-days have been wearing me thin. Staying focused is getting harder and harder. My run is coming along and I am seeing big improvements. The bike pace is starting to dial itself in and running some distance afterward is getting much easier. The swim is great and really look forward to adding that into my training even after the ironman is done.
So what have I really drawn on for support and for that "poke in the chest" at 5am in the morning. MY FIENDS!!! That’s right its props time; My wife Meredith has been the biggest and best supporter by far. "Well that goes without saying", no not really. Mer has always backed me up in everything I've done since we have known each other. She is a very realistic person and keeps me in check quit a bit. With the Ironman she has spearheaded the support and reminding me to stay focused more then anyone. And that means everything to me, when I look back on this event I will think of her and for me that’s what it is all about. Second my parents, although not very aware of the endurance world, have gone out of their way to make it their own and keep propping me up along the way. As always my folks have backed me in whatever I have done. Third, there is our friend Martha Long, who in a way is responsible for getting myself into this "mess". Martha is the awesome athlete that I "supported" when she raced HI Ironman in '07 and '08. After that I caught the bug and tried to get into HI WC ever since. So she has been a huge source of information! I pick her brain at least once a week on what gear to use, or am I over thinking something, or trying to keep up with her on a Sunday run. And there really are so many other people who I will name and thank by the end of this all, but for now THANK YOU to everyone! I have 2 solid months to go, and I know it will be here VERY soon.
This Sunday I turn 30 and race my last sprint tri for the year. I'll let you know how everything goes. Just using it for training and to stay fresh regarding racing events. And after that I finally get to race the Texas State Time Trail Championship. This will also be great training on the bike and I will add a 40 min run afterward, not looking forward to that!