6 weeks is a long time before the event gets here. But looking a my last training plan it doesn't seem far at all. Not that I have been slacking, but I have to make these 6 weeks count. I'm not worried about the fittness because I have seen and notice plenty of gain. I have dropped from 176lbs to 163lbs, and on yesterday shop ride I lead the pack for a very good distance at 35.6mph and the running is getting easier. Ya, I know CRAZY! But again, it's becoming real with everyone making plans to head over to HI. And comments like, "it's getting close now. Are you going to be ready?". What!?! Of course I'll be ready, ready as anyone can be. A nice thing that recently happened, is I have switched over mentally to enter the race to finish it while HAVING FUN!
I cam off the horrorible Texas State Time Champoinship with a DNF because of a broken saddle. A event next to the Ironman in which I really cared about. But it just goes to show that anything can happen. And in a 11 hour+ Ironman, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. It's my first one and I have time goals in my mind, which I will keep to myself. And I will be just happy to finish it. But of course here comes the outside stress of life right before the event. Murphys Law I guess? My goal is to just stay health till HI, and the Kagan water is helping extremly well, thanks Bob! And I have made a bike change at the last minute as well. More to come on that if and when I get it in.
Sorry for the short to little to no info. But I am just keeping my head down and doing what I need to do, to get it done. I'll get back with you very soon. THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!